What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a technology for decentralized storage and data transaction. Decentralization involves storing chains of cryptography blocks on multiple working computers at the same time. That is, there is no “master server”. Blocks are included in a single database, which is automatically updated with each new transaction.

The main principle is the security and transparency of all transactions. Each participant can view any operation for any time with the impossibility of changing them for past periods. When a request is received to perform an operation, the blocks are compared, and only in the case of a 100% match, the system allows the creation of a new block to store the result of the operation performed.

At the beginning this technology was used only for cryptocurrency, but due to its protection from external interference, the blockchain is also used in systems for identity, confirm ownership rights, managing and distributing resources.

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Decentralized Apps (DApps) Development

  • NFT Marketplace
  • Crypto swap platform
  • Staking wallets (to stake and earn)
  • Crypto lending platform
  • Сrypto exchange platform
  • P2P-services
  • Crypto casino


  • Authorisation by NFT (or by crypto wallet)
  • Cryptocurrency payment system
  • Decentralized autonomous organization (DAO)

Technology stack



  • Solidity
  • JavaScript (TypeScript)
  • Web3
  • VueJS / NuxtJS / Flutter
  • Metamask API


  • Microservices architecture
  • Express (Node.js) / Python 3 / Go
  • Mongodb / Postgres / ...
  • Swagger


  • Gitlab CI/CD
  • Docker Compose
  • Nginx
  • Keycloak
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana

About us

Develop blockchain projects requires developers to have knowledge not only of programming languages, but also a deep understanding of the principles of decentralized applications and cryptography. For more than 5 years, we have been specializing in the development of blockchain services and offer our clients innovative solutions in various business sectors.

Our experience allows us to take on tasks/projects of any complexity and approach each project individually. It doesn't matter what stage your project is at - an idea or MVP, we are ready to take on a project at any stage and bring it to the end.

Open company

We are for honesty and a transparent approach to business. All internal development processes are visible to our clients at any stage. We build trusting relationships and are always open to dialogue.

Clear code

We write the most concise and structured code. It is important for us to design the project architecture clearly and safely in order to support uninterrupted operation of your future services.


Send us a message and our team will brainstorm to improve and expand your digital experience.
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